Entry to Handstand on Hands (L-Base)

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Level: Advanced



  • Breathe out and extend the arms a little to give a pre-tempo (2).
  • During bending the arms breath in and give a resistance to the flyer, so the it does not feel like jumping to a hole (3-5).
  • In the moment when the flyers up-movement is the fastest start extending the arms to extend the jump of the flyer. It should feel light... ;-)
  • Extend the arms with smooth and constant speed. Don't stop the movement.
  • Lock your arms and keep them engaged, so that it feels like two columns to the flyer.
  • Hold a 45° angle in your wrists.


  • Slowly bend your legs together with the tempo of the base. Bring your knees in front and keep the pressure in the hands. (2-5). 
  • From the lowest point start slowly to extend the legs  gradually increases the speed (crescendo).
  • Bring the shoulders a bit forward. Jump up and not down or to the front and start rolling (6).
  • Bring your legs to a closed tuck position (7-8).
  • Come to your handstand position (9).
  • Hold a 45° angle in your wrists.
  • Open your shoulders to 180°, but don’t arch your back.
  • Don’t balance.


  • Stand at the back of the flyer.
  • Spot the shoulders and the hips of the flyer.
  • Push the hips of the flyer back if the flyer closes the shoulders too much.
  • Bring the flyer safely to the floor by guiding/holding the hips or thighs.