My goals for the next weeks

by Acrodicted Posted on May 24, 2017

Traveling can sometimes be hard because you can't do your regular acro training with a partner. :-(
Instead of being lazy you can choose to work on basics like balance, tightness, strength and flexibility. I've just chosen 3 personal goals that I will work on the next weeks or months:

- 5x 60sec Handstand in a row (currently 6x40sec)
- 100x Pushups (currently 32x)
- Front Split (currently 13 cm distance to the floor for both sides)

What are YOU working on right now?!

What is acrodicted?

It's a online resource for acrobatics and an digital memory that allows you to remember the keypoints that helped to master a trick!
These keypoints and experiences can also help other acrobats to get better.